From counting to connecting

Dataverz is a science-based information technology and big-data analytics startup. Our objective is to transfer and scale-up results originally developed as scientific research in fields such as network science and complex systems.
We design and develop information systems for decision support, which are deployed as software-as-a-service solutions. Key enabling technologies that we leverage in our work are big-data repositories, graph databases, open-source software and machine learning.
Given our scientific background, we are committed to the development of skills and capabilities that facilitate the adoption of data-driven decision support systems. This includes guidance to diagnose requirements, system-level design support, and training to deploy and increase the adoption of new information systems.
Dataverz Development: System-oriented solutions
Shared features of our solutions are the integration of otherwise fragmented data-sources, the use of knowledge graphs for data analytics and the application of network models to organize the data and increase its value. Example solutions include:

Analysis of current resources aimed at identifying the inherent abilities and potential of an organisation, industrial ecosystem or region.

Network-augmented queries
We allow anyone to search within graph-databases in a transparent, intuitive and flexible manner.

Data-driven matchmaking
Use of digital traces and other available data to identify potential for new collaborations, business opportunities and for tracking emergent R&D trends.

Discover Pattrnz
After 7 years of research and 5 years of custom development with enterprise clients, we have created our first SaaS product. Learn more at our product website.


Dataverz ApS is a DTU spin-off built on top of 10 years of R&D work in industry, academia and the private sector.
Pedro Parraguez is Dataverz CEO and co-founder. Until recently, he was a postdoctoral researcher at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Engineering Systems Division, where during 7 years he performed research and development work in the area of complex socio-technical systems and industrial ecosystems.
Nelson Guaman, Dataverz CTO and co-founder, is a well-rounded full stack software developer who has worked in large companies such as Mcafee (Intel Security) as well as start-ups, where he has accumulated more than 7 years of experience in complex IT systems.
Given our research roots, we keep collaborating with DTU, leveraging and promoting the work developed at the Engineering Systems Group. Apart from multiple publications, previous applied research projects working at DTU include DTU's Knowledge Landscape, Net-Sights, AMICa Pathfinder, and EURITO.

In Dataverz we design and deploy data-driven IT solutions to support collaboration and innovation.
We help our clients build and strengthen their information infrastructures using analytics and data visualisations to enable the exploration & analyses of knowledge architectures.
Our mission is to connect people and knowledge through the integration of data acquisition, data analysis and interactive dashboards.
We leverage data, advanced analytics and scientific discoveries in network science, engineering systems and social science to develop innovative information systems. Our objetive is to take our clients on the journey "from counting to connecting" when it comes to data-driven insights.
In our work we make extensive use of graph databases, network analysis, natural language processing and machine learning. Previous publications and related research projects are available at: www.parraguezr.net